Victory Bible Institute's Training and Licensing of Gospel Ministers Program is designed for those individuals
who feel that God is calling them to Ministry, and they want to prepare themselves the Biblical way. You will STUDY DILIGENTLY
to show yourself APPROVED unto GOD. (See 2 Tim 2:15)You will become a strong student/disciple of the Word of God, and the
teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. You will become much more able to TEACH others. You will develop your very own Bible
Teaching Library and have a unique indexing system of Victory Study Courses all on Audio Files (USB Flash Drives that you
can plug in and listen to on your computer). You can also easily copy (burn) to CDs or a MP3 player. You will always
be able to research and refer back to your lessons over the years of your future ministries. You will be able to
STUDY at your OWN PACE, at your OWN HOME, with Rev. Lennon's Victory Study Courses. You will be able to CONTACT VBI
by Email any time you might have any questions.
Your CALLING to Gospel Ministry Service, whether part time
or full time, we believe, will make you much more effective with our TRAINING program. You will have Biblically-Based
ANSWERS to the people's questions. You will have developed STUDY Notes, and you will have 24 Victory Study Courses to HELP
you and STRENGTHEN you, and GUIDE you in your future Ministries. We believe you will become well prepared and equipped for
any Ministry, including preaching, teaching, pastoral work, evangelistic work, church leader, missions, prison work,
nursing homes, music ministry, Christian life counseling, marriage counseling, radio or television broadcasting, Christian
school, home schooling, retreat ministry, Christian social worker, or whatever Ministry God CALLS you to do.
Jesus said, "ONE THING is NEEDFUL," and that is to LEARN God's Word. Before you become a Gospel Minister, you
must become His disciple (Learner/Student). Ministry REQUIRES PREPARATION. Preparation requires the DILIGENT STUDY of
God's Word, if you are to PLEASE the Lord, and show yourself APPROVED unto God. (2Tim 2:15; John 17:17; Matt.28:20; Mark 16:15;
Luke 10:39-42).
You will earn the Gospel Minister's Diploma and become Officially LICENSED by the
Victory Bible Institute. If you complete TWO Victory Study Courses per month, you will complete the Program in 12 months (ONE
YEAR PROGRAM). If you complete ONE Victory Study Course per month, you will complete the program in 24 months (TWO
YEAR PROGRAM). You will determine your own pace and how quickly you choose to finish the total 24 Courses. You need to
score 70% or higher overall average - most score well above 70%.
Each Victory Study Course price is $75.00 plus $6.00 shipping and handling, but is now DISCOUNTED to
only $59.00 per Course plus $6.00 sh/hd , a total of $65.00 per Victory Study Course. There is a $50.00 Registration Fee
(only one time, non refundable) upon enrollment.
Please READ the ABOUT US Link, and the
VICTORY STUDY COURSES Link at the top of this webpage (just click each Link). You will get a
better UNDERSTANDING of the Courses of Study, and the unique Ministry EXPERIENCE of our VBI Director, Rev.Timothy Lennon.
Pastor Rev. Lennon has been a Gospel Minister for over 38 years, and he will guide you in your studies via personal
Email. After you finish the Training to become a Licensed Gospel Minister, you may desire to become officially
ORDAINED (See Ordination link at the top of any web page)
If you have Questions, just send us an Email at the Email Address below. EMAIL US AT : VBInstitute@yahoo.comRev. Timothy Lennon, Director of Victory Bible Institute.
"STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (clearly
understanding) the Word of Truth." (2Timothy 2:15)