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Sample Bible Study

A Self-Help Quiz Is At The End Of Each Bible Study Guide Sample 

"...BE STRONG in the Lord, and in the POWER of His MIGHT. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be ABLE to STAND against the wiles (schemes, deceits, lies) of the devil. For we wrestle (struggle) NOT against flesh and blood (people), but against...the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness..."(Eph.6:10-12)
Jesus said that the thief (the devil) cometh to steal. His evil work is to try to steal and rob you of God's ABUNDANT GOODNESS. He also taught us that the enemy comes to kill and to destroy. Dear Beloved friends, if anything is trying to steal from you God's ABUNDANT LIFE, or is trying to harm you, or kill, or destroy you or God's GOOD life, KNOW that it is the devil's work, his strategy. It is NOT people, it is a real devil, the wicked one that we are struggling with.
Now be ENCOURAGED, Jesus has come...PRAISE His Holy Name. Jesus has come to DESTROY these evil works of the devil.(1Jn.3:8). Jesus has DEFEATED the devil and triumphed over him. His work is FINISHED. He has REDEEMED us from all the evil curses and evil works of the enemy, so that the BLESSINGS of God might come on us through Jesus Christ, through FAITH.(Gal.3:13-14) Jesus is the FINISHER of our FAITH, because the work has been FINISHED.(Heb.12:2;Jn.17:4)
All that is necessary NOW, is the good FIGHT of FAITH. And as we learn to live by FAITH in God, His Son, and His Word, we will become STRONG in the Lord.(1Jn.2:14)
Take on the WHOLE armour of God so that you will be ABLE to withstand in the evil day. You will need God's TRUTH like a belt (Jesus is the TRUTH, and God's Word is TRUTH, Jn.14:6; Jn.17:17), and His RIGHTEOUSNESS as a breastplate, your feet shod with the GOSPEL of peace, and above all, FAITH like a shield. You will start with SALVATION like a helmet. You need to be SAVED, or BORN AGAIN through simple faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord. (Jn.3:3-7;Acts 4:10-12). You will need to PRAY always with perseverance.
And finally, you will need to LEARN how to wield your SWORD, the SWORD of the Holy Spirit, which is the Word of God. This SWORD, the Word of God, is the ONLY offensive weapon that you have (coupled with PRAYER) in your weaponry as part of all your armour. If you just try to FIGHT your enemy with shield and defensive armour, you will soon get tired and exhausted. You MUST pick up your SWORD and be not afraid to thrust through the enemy. You do that like Jesus did, by CONFESSING God's Word in faith believing. When Jesus contended with the devil, He said it is WRITTEN, and He quoted various Scriptures. It wasn't long before God's ANGELS came to (help, assist) Him, and the devil LEFT Him.(Mt.4:4-11)
We have been GIVEN all POWER (authority) over the enemy, such that NOTHING shall by any means hurt us (Lk.10:19) then, BE STRONG in the Lord.
(See Self-Help Quiz Below)
1.Be STRONG in the Lord and in the POWER of his ________.
2.Put on the whole armour of God to be _____to STAND against the wiles of the devil.
3.We wrestle not against people, but against the rulers of the_________of this world.
4.The thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill, and to_________.
5.Jesus has come to DESTROY the evil works of the ________.
6.Jesus is the FINISHER of our________, and we need to FIGHT the good fight of FAITH.
7.Jesus is the _______, and God's Word is TRUTH. This is part of your armour.
8.The Sword of the Spirit is the _____of God, and we must learn how to wield it.
9.When Jesus quoted various Scriptures, ______came to help Him.
10.When the angels came to assist Jesus, the devil______ Him.
"Then said Jesus...IF ye CONTINUE IN My WORD, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall KNOW the Truth (God's Word is Truth, Jn.17:17), and the Truth (God's Words) shall MAKE you FREE."(Jn.8:31-32)
What shall we be MADE FREE from? We shall even be FREE from the sting of death as believers, because we shall pass from death even unto life everlasting.(Jn.5:24) We shall be FREE from the bondage and the power of darkness.(Rom.8:15;Col.1:13)
We shall HAVE ALL power (authority) over the devil, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt us.(Lk.10:19) NO evil (harm) shall befall thee (come to pass, or happen), neither shall any plague (or calamity) come nigh thy dwelling, if you will make the Lord your habitation, and CONTINUE in His Words.(Ps.91:10) You will be MADE FREE, and DELIVERED from the power of darkness.(Col.1:13)
Your VICTORY will be through your FAITH.(1Jn.5:4) The Lord shall give His (GUARDIAN) ANGELS charge over thee, to keep (GUARD) thee in ALL thy ways.(Ps.91:11) Because you set your LOVE upon the Lord, He will command His ANGELS to keep watch over you, and to deliver you from harm's way. He will set you on high, and honor you, and give you long life.(Ps.91:14) You LOVE the Lord when you abide in Him, under His shadow, and you keep His Words, and you CONTINUE in His Word.(Jn.14:23;Ps.91:1;Jn.15:4-7)
Jesus said that we are not to "live by bread alone, but by EVERY Word of God".(Lk.4:4) He was teaching by illustration. How often do we eat each day? We eat in the day, and we eat at night. That is WHY God's Word admonishes us to MEDITATE (chew your food, the Word of God, slowly) upon His Word day and night. (Ps.1:1-3;Joshua 1:8). Jesus said, "take heed that no man deceive you".(Mt.24:4)
Far too many are running around doing everything, but getting into God's Word. Some say they are just too BUSY. The only problem is, you may miss the BLESSED life. You will bear NO fruit (the GOOD results of God's ABUNDANT life) if you allow yourself to get too BUSY, and you have NO time for God, and His Words.
Jesus said, "they have heard (but DON'T LIVE by CONTINUING in God's Word)...and are CHOKED (like thorns choking the fruit on a vine) with cares (the worries of everyday life) and riches (ye can NOT serve two masters, Mt.6:24), and pleasures of this life (they are lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God, 2Tim.3:4), and bring NO fruit to perfection".(Lk.8:14)
But for those who will hear the Word, keep it, hold fast to it, CONTINUE in it, to live by it, shall bring forth fruit (and HAVE the GOOD results of Jesus' ABUNDANT life, Jn.10:10), with patience (the Blessed life takes time to grow, just like fruit on a vine or tree).(Lk.8:15)
(See Self-Help Quiz Below)
1.Jesus said, "IF ye__________in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed".
2.And you will KNOW the_______(God's Word), and it will MAKE you FREE !
3.As believers we shall pass from death even unto life___________.
4.We shall be FREE from the bondage and the_________of darkness.
5.Your VICTORY will be through your________, and God's ANGELS shall guard thee.
6.God will command His ANGELS to watch over you, and to_______you from harm's way.
7.You LOVE the Lord when you abide in Him, and KEEP His________.
8.God admonishes us to MEDITATE upon His_______day and night.(like eating daily)
9.Jesus said,"they heard,...and are CHOKED with______(worries)...riches...pleasures".
10.They that hear the Word, keep it, and continue in it, shall bring forth____with patience.
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