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Testimonial Comments from a Few of Our Beloved VBI Family of Partners, Friends and Students --  

Maxine -- "I have learned more good teaching of the Word of God from Rev Timothy Lennon (my son) then I ever have from any one else in my life, and I have been a born again Christian for many years, and was even raised up from a young girl in the church, as my father was also a Minister." 
To ENCOURAGE all of you out there -- Maxine prayed that one of her children would become a Gospel Minister, and God answered her prayers by making her son (Rev.Timothy Lennon) a Gospel Minister. Have faith in God, He can do the same for YOU.
Maxine  is Rev Timothy's Lennon's Mom, now in Heaven, greatly loved and memorialized here at VBI's website, and in his Audio teachings and Topical Bible Study Guides
Leanne -- Rev. Lennon, I am ever so grateful for all that you do and have done. Without your prayers I would have been worse off. I believe I have always been blessed, but through you and your ministry I am even more blessed. Praise God that you were diligent and have kept plugging along with your ministry all these years. You are a faithful man and I pray continued blessings upon you and your wife Jeannie. You came from a tough place too, but as you remind me and as God's word says, "I have overcome the world", and so can we all if we continue to persevere to the end!
Thank you for all your prayers and support! You are truly blessed. As a gentleman whom was healed of cataracts through your ministry years ago stated, "You a man of God". I concur. God Bless.

May God richly bless you and keep you!
Yours in Christ,
Leanne (Rev. Lennon's sister)
Hannah  ---- I have been blessed through the Bible Studies of VBI and Rev. Timothy and the VBI team of caring people.
I joined VBI Bible Studies at a time when I was going through deep financial burden, stress, weakness, fatigue, worries, etc. I had gone from doctor to doctor and did check-ups, and more check-ups.
I was searching the web to find an group that prayed for people's healing, breakthroughs, etc. through Jesus Christ.
I came across few of them who ended up emailing, and sending to me for financial donations when I did not know how I would make it to the next day financially, although I had a job.
I finally got in touch with Rev. Timothy and VBI, through the web.  They have been a spiritual blessing in helping the growth of my spiritual strength. 
Rev. Timothy has also prayed for me, and given spiritual instruction from the Bible that has helped me greatly.
Through VBI, I have been able to fight Satan who had attacked me in my body, and my finances.   I have been more at peace with myself in Jesus' name.
I always gave up on challenges.  I thought I didn't have the strength to go through wicked challenges of the devil.  Through the Bible Studies, I have been able to go through those challenges with Jesus by my side every step of the way, and winning the battle in our Father's name.
Thank God for Rev. Timothy and the VBI Team for what you all are doing as you spread God's message to all.
Richard and (wife) Ana Maria  --- In our search we found many people on the internet offering degrees and ordination for a money, without having to study to show thyself approved unto God.
Finally we found Pastor Timothy and Jeannie Lennon who are the real deal. They have studied, worked and shown themselves workmen of God.
Their many years of experience not only helps us with our studies and
understanding the bible but they are there to help the student during and
after completing the course with what ever your need is.
My wife and I  ... have found that V.B.I's course is based on the scriptures (bible), non-denominational without man's religion .
We are blessed by V.B.I because we can study at home to become licensed and ordained non denominational pastors.
We have a young baby which is a full time job for my wife and I work full time outside the home, so going to a university or college is not possible for us.
Rev. Sharon (Gospel Minister) -- How blessed I am to have been lead to VBI. There I found awesome teachings on subjects God wants us to learn and know from His Word, to be used in everyday life.
Pastor Timothy is a real, down to earth Pastor/Teacher who teaches the Word in an easy to understand, easy to comprehend format. The lessons can be learned on your own schedule, in your own time frame.
Pastor Timothy and his wife Jeannie have become my mentors. I strive to become strong in the Word, and then live by the Word as Pastor Timothy demonstrates in his own life. Pastor Timothy and VBI help to make that possible in me.
You wont find another program that is so in depth with Bible knowledge and wisdom, created in Love, that will transform and renew your mind. I highly recommend taking a step of Faith and begin the Licensed Minister Program. Having a solid, firm foundation on which to build your ministry upon.  You will have success, Gods way!
Email  -- I thank God every single day for you and Jeannie coming into my life. I thank HIM for leading me, guiding me towards finding you and your ministry. It is the EXACT, MOST PERFECT teaching I wanted, needed and desired. I was on a MISSION to SEEK the TRUTH. I found it, Praise the Lord! It hit me this week during your teaching, how I was lead to you. God knew exactly what I needed and how to get it. He answered me. What an overwhelming Love that came over me as I received that revelation. 
Pastor Sharad & wife Prema (Gospel Ministers in India)  --- Our Dear Rev. Timothy,
Big thank you once again. I have never seen such difficult subjects presented (taught in very simple language), in very easy way to understand by every level of students.
I cannot but write this to you, to let you know this that you are anointed teacher of the Word of the Lord, and please continue to do that. We are one with you and praying for you. Praise to His Wonderful Name which is above every name! I am ever grateful to Him.
With lots of love and prayers. Indeed yours in the Lord,
Pastor Sharad and wife Prema
Pastor  Philip  (Gospel Minister in Kenya Africa) --- “Rev Timothy and Sister Jeannie have helped me to open a VBM school through Topical Bible Study Guides, my wife has become a preacher, through your words of wisdom of anointing and tithing, brethrens business have expanded.
My life has been transformed by the word I read from the Scripture”.
First and foremost I want to thank the Almighty God for connecting me to you. Glory be to God for guiding you even towards me.
From deep my heart and through the questions you have been sending to me, they have changed my entire life and even my ministry and am glad to inform you that am very much willing to join you so that I can learn more and able to help others.
The other desire of heart is if God can enable you open VBI office in Kenya (Africa) I will be grateful because this will help me together with my other brethrens to (go) out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you , God bless you --- Pastor Philip.
Jimmy  G  --- How are you on this glorious day The LORD JESUS has given us? Just want to say one more time: I am SSSOOO thankful I found you.
You have turned my life upside down, an that is glorious, because before I met you I think I was standing on my head (smile).
Jimmy  D ---  Hello Pastor Timothy and Sister Jeannie. 
My dear Bro. and Sis. in Christ, let me start off by saying praise the Lord for being obedient when called to start this Ministry. 
It has helped me grow spiritually and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord. 
I'm so glad the day I came across your web-site on the computer, and was lead to start your Bible Study Program.  I welcome all to experience the Spiritual growth just as I have. 
Pastor Timothy will show you how to get a deeper and closer walk with the Lord. 
May God bless this Ministry and may it continue growing and reaching souls for the Lord. 
I'm honored to be a  part of Victory Bible Institute and it's Ministry.
Your Bro. In Christ, Bro. Jimmy D
Tara  --  Since I've enrolled in VBCourses, I have grown so very close to our Father.  I absolutely love reading and studying the Word of God and I seek after Him relentlessly. My knowledge of the Holy Scriptures has strengthen me and has helped me to strengthen and encourage others.
Thank you for answering my question. My spirit and soul are satisfied now.  I continually pray for the ebooks.  I pray for every little thing and every big thing concerning this work that God is directing you in.  It is such a pleasure to have you and Rev. Jeannie available to instruct me in the deep things of God. Hallelujah!!  Bless Jesus!  It is so wonderful to be lead by the Holy Spirit.  I see so many people who are just satisfied with milk.  But I believe that you are going to put an end a lot of folks milk -They are going to be asking, "Where's the Beef'?  Again, thank you, thank you, thank you.  What a tremendous blessing you and Rev. Jeannie are.  There really aren't words that adequately express the love and appreciation that I feel for you both.  
Thank you, Rev. Timothy and Sister (Rev.) Jeannie, for your tremendous help and support.
Deacon  John --- Pastor Timothy, your insight has been rewarding and a blessing to my soul and understanding
As I continue to study the Word of God, the more I become enlightened.  Thanks you once again for taking the time in bring about ... understanding.
Tristan --- Thank you for devoting your time to these Bible studies, they really are a huge help.
I pray that you and your family are blessed for your loving and giving hearts.
David  ---  I know that you've (Rev.Lennon and VBI) always been open to questions and although I'm not much of a religious person, I need some religious advice. My girlfriend, we're not married, yet, (she) is pregnant and I wondered what the church's opinion of abortion is. This has all come at a time that we are certainly not prepared to have a baby but the decision is upon us ... Do you have an opinion on this matter ... ? Any quotes would be helpful as well. I want to do the right thing but I am confused right now. Any help is appreciated.
Later Email David said --- I can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond. I took the majority of last night taking in everything that you mentioned. It was this particular portion that really opened my eyes...
God will HELP you if you just have a little faith to spare the life of this little innocent baby. This is your baby, be HAPPY about that ... If you decide to let this little innocent baby be born, you will SOON be a proud PaPa. My wife and I just PRAYED for you and your girlfriend to CHOOSE to allow this child to LIVE, in Jesus name - Amen! Here is the CLEAR will of the Lord -- I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you LIFE and death, BLESSING and cursing: therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that both thou and thy seed (BABY) may live. (Deut 30:19)
Thank you for praying for my girlfriend and I and also our unborn child. Decisions such as these are not easy to make but I believe that with FAITH, He will help us be strong. Once again, thank you.
Later Email David said  --- I hope to make your day once more and inform you that my wife (they got married) and I have had a beautiful baby boy (they made the decision to allow the unborn baby to live). Dylan was born last Wednesday the 16th. I wrote to you during a time of confusion and uncertainty and you were there to respond with reassurance that he truly is a gift. Please do not underestimate your influence on myself and our decision to allow this child to enter into this world. Although we're way up here in Canada, you've had an immediate impact on our child's life. I am writing to thank you ... thank you for being there and responding to me when I really needed it.
Cyletha (Gospel Minister - Evangelist)   --  Pastor Timothy
I am so blessed to be under your great teachings. I have learned more and more how God is using you to share how He has given you these spiritual gifts (like teaching, gifts of healing etc).
Thank you for the great lessons that God has placed in you to teach us about these special gifts, that God has given to you.
It is an honor to be under your Bible Ministry teaching. I look forward to each lesson, because I know that God has given you His good news to share with me.
God Bless you Rev. Timothy
Raymond ---  Hi Pastor Timothy, I really enjoyed studying “The Foundational Truths”.  It seemed like once I got myself into the habit of doing it, my thirst for the Word seemed to grow more and moreEvery time I finished a study, I just couldn’t wait to get to the next one!!!
Now that I have gotton myself into a certain momentum in studying, I will do my best to finish at least one study set every 30-45 days. That is my goal until I finish all 24 sets and complete the Gospel Minister License Program!!!!
I hope all is well with your family and your ministry!!!!
Pastor (Rev.) Francis -- Rev.Timothy,  Here in Kenya (Africa) we are doing fine and look forward for the great day of the Lord. Say hello to your co-labourers and the church family.Your continual emails have become my teaching guides.
I like your work. I am convinced if it were not for somebody like you who sacrificed to sow a seed unconditionally, this blessing could not have reached me and my community.
Rev.Timothy, your kindness has been beyond words. Please pray with me that God bless my ministry with increase. One day I will also stand to be a blessing like you are. I would not want to be a receiver only but also a giver.
Rev. Rugina  --  Dear Rev. Timothy, It is a blessing and a pleasure to begin my day with prayer and your Bible Study. I shall forever be grateful that Father God brought me to you.
Since meeting you and sharing your Bible Studies, the healing that has been BLESSED upon (my husband) and myself, is beyond mere earthly words. Your Bible Studies and counseling have helped me share TRUE Biblical knowledge with my family and friends.
If I live to be 100, I will never be able to thank you enough for all your help. I am so sure that Father God and Lord Jesus meant for me/us to come to you for the guidance and wisdom that you have given to us. The healing that has been happening in our lives has been a miracle and a wonderful blessing. I encourage all my family and friends to check out your web sight and Bible Studies. 
When I am living by Father God's Word, I am walking with Christ Jesus and I am filled with serenity and faith. I learn more each day, what I must change about myself, so I am able to walk more with Christ Jesus. Thank you Father God for Rev. Timothy
It is with great appreciation that I thank our heavenly Father for you Rev. Timothy. I am becoming a better Christian and I know that it is because of your Bible Studies and your Christian counseling. Grace and Peace to you always.
Brother Don -- Bro (Rev.) Timothy,  Yes I do love VBI, and the wonderful studies that you all have put together, they are such a blessing to me in a great way that only God knows just how much that they mean to me!!  They have strengthen my life in a wonderful way and made me stronger in the Lord!
Your so very welcome about the check that I have sent to you in the mail and you should receive it sometime next week!  I am very glad to be a blessing when I can!
Wow you were a very busy man then when you was on the Radio and TV Ministry sounds like, plus Pastoring two Churches too, I don't know how you had the time to Pastor Churches and be on Radio and TV too, wow what a busy Man and Woman that you both were, and I can imagine your busy enough even now.
It seems that I have grown close to you, and you all seem like family to me already, and I know we are family in the family of God. Thank you again for your prayers, they mean so very much to me!!  I know that the Lord has answered your prayers!
Sister Barbara -- Hello Rev. Timothy;
I was blessed to complete my first group of 15 Bible Studies earlier than I thought I'd be able to! I am trying to adopt a study pattern where I can set aside time each day to work and meditate on my Bible Studies. I am learning that when I can accomplish that, my Bible Studies help me to find a peace and a comfort in studying God's Word - it is a way for my mind and spirit to escape from the stresses and tensions of that day and know God's Blessings of solace and grace He has given to us.
Thank you for your blessing of this wonderful coursework, Rev. Timothy - you have a wonderous gift for guiding your students in the teachings of God's Word and His promise of Everlasting Peace, Grace and Love for us all!
May you have a Blessed Sunday and a Blessed week, Rev. Timothy!
in His Grace,
Sister Barbara